Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2021 | Amyloid and anatomical correlates of executive functioning in middle-aged offspring of patients with late-onset Alzheimer's disease | Duarte Abritta, Bárbara ; Sánchez, Stella Maris ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Gustafson, Deborah R. ; Vázquez, Silvia ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Castro, Mariana N. ; Fiorentini, Leticia ; Villarreal, Mirta F. ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. |
| 2023 | An exploratory study of sleep-wake differences of autonomic activity in patients with mild cognitive impairment : the role of melatonin as a modulating factor | Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Vidal, María F. ; Olivar, Natividad ; Odzak, Andrea ; Brusco, Ignacio ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Vigo, Daniel E. |
| 2019 | Brain structural and amyloid correlates of recovery from semantic interference in cognitively normal individuals with or without gamily history of late-onset Alzheimer's disease | Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Loewenstein, David A. ; Curiel-Cid, Rosie ; Duarte-Abritta, Bárbara ; Sánchez, Stella M. ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Castro, Mariana N. ; Drucaroff, Lucas J. ; Vázquez, Silvia ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Nemeroff, Charles B. ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Villareal, Mirta F. |
| 2012 | Cardiac autonomic activity predicts dominance in verbal over spatial reasoning tasks : results from a preliminary study | Solernó, Juan I. ; Pérez Chada, Daniel ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Pérez Lloret, Santiago ; Hedderwick, Alejandro ; Vidal, María Florencia ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo |
| 2021 | Childhood adversity modulation of central autonomic network components during cognitive regulation of emotion in major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder | Wainsztein, Agustina E. ; Castro, Mariana N. ; Goldberg, Ximena ; Camacho-Téllez, Vicente ; Vulcano, Mercedes ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Ladrón de Guevara, María Soledad ; Cardoner, Narcís ; Nemeroff, Charles B. ; Menchón, José M. ; Soriano-Mas, Carles ; Villarreal, Mirta F. ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. |
| 2019 | Circadian biomarkers in asymptomatic offspring of patients with late-onset Alzheimer's disease and their relationship with cognitive performance | Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Duarte-Abritta, Bárbara ; Sánchez, Stella M. ; Villarreal, Mirta F. ; Ladrón de Guevara, María Soledad ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Fiorentini, Leticia ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Vigo, Alejandro G. |
| 2018 | Cortical thickness, brain metabolic activity, and in vivo amyloid deposition in asymptomatic, middle-aged offspring of patients with late-onset Alzheimer's disease | Duarte-Abritta, Bárbara ; Villareal, Mirta F. ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Loewenstein, David A. ; Curiel-Cid, Rosie ; Castro, Mariana N. ; Surace, Ezequiel ; Sánchez, Stella M. ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Vázquez, Silvia ; Nemeroff, Charles B. ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. |
| 2020 | Diurnal variation of heart rate variability as a physiological index of mood and emotion regulation processes in major depression and borderline personality disorder | Wainsztein, Agustina E. ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Goldberg, Ximena ; Camacho-Téllez, Vicente ; Vulcano, Mercedes ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Menchón, José M. ; Soriano-Mas, Carles ; Nemeroff, Charles B. ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Castro, Mariana N. |
| 2019 | Executive functioning in cognitively normal middle-aged offspring of late-onset Alzheimer's disease patients | Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Fiorentini, Leticia ; Loewenstein, David A. ; Curiel-Cid, Rosie ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Nemeroff, Charles B. ; Villarreal, Mirta F. ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. |
| 2017 | Failure to recover from proactive semantic interference and abnormal limbic connectivity in asymptomatic, middle-aged offspring of patients with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease | Sánchez, Stella M. ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Duarte-Abritta, Bárbara ; Ladrón de Guevara, María Soledad ; Castro, Mariana N. ; Drucaroff, Lucas J. ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Nemeroff, Charles B. ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Loewenstein, David A. ; Villarreal, Mirta F. ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. |
| 2011 | Higher autonomic activation predicts better performance in Iowa Gambling Task | Drucaroff, Lucas J. ; Kievit, Rogier ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Roldán Gerschcovich, Elena ; Cerquetti, Daniel ; Leiguarda, Ramón ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo |
| 2018 | Individual cognitive and depressive traits associated with maternal versus paternal family history of Late-onset Alzheimer’s disease : proactive semantic interference versus standard neuropsychological assessments | Wilsona, Kathleen E. ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Loewensteind, David A. ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Nemeroffd, Charles B. ; Villarreal, Mirta F. ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. |
| 2022 | Oculomotor abnormalities during reading in the offspring of late-onset alzheimer’s disease | Fernández, Gerardo ; González, Ana Paula ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Fiorentini, Leticia ; Agamennoni, Osvaldo ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. |
| 2017 | Relationship between cognitive and sleep–wake variables in asymptomatic offspring of patients with late-onset alzheimer’s disease | Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; Duarte-Abritta, Bárbara ; Villareal, Mirta F. ; García, Celeste ; Sequeyra, Geraldine ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Fiorentini, Leticia ; Bär, Karl-Jürgen ; Gustafson, Deborah R. ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Ladrón de Guevara, María Soledad |
| 2019 | White matter fiber density abnormalities in cognitively normal adults at risk for lateonset Alzheimer´s disease | Sánchez, Stella M. ; Duarte-Abritta, Bárbara ; Abulafia, Carolina Andrea ; De Pino, Gabriela ; Bocaccio, Hernan ; Castro, Mariana N. ; Sevlever, Gustavo ; Fonzo, Greg A. ; Nemeroff, Charles B. ; Gustafson, Deborah R. ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Villarreal, Mirta F. |