Showing results 47 to 66 of 132
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 2010 | Heart rate nonlinear dynamics during sudden hypoxia at 8,230 m simulated altitude | Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Pérez Lloret, Santiago ; Videla, Alejandro J. ; Pérez Chada, Daniel ; Hünicken, Horacio M. ; Mercuri, Jorge ; Romero, Ramón ; Nicola Siri, Leonardo C. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2019 | Heart rate variability : a tool to explore autonomic nervous system activity in health and disease | Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Nicola Siri, Leonardo C. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2020 | High doses of melatonin as a potential therapeutic tool for the neurologic sequels of covid-19 infection | Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2020 | High doses of melatonin as a potential therapeutic tool for the neurologic sequels of covid-19 infection | Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2011 | Higher autonomic activation predicts better performance in Iowa Gambling Task | Drucaroff, Lucas J. ; Kievit, Rogier ; Guinjoan, Salvador M. ; Roldán Gerschcovich, Elena ; Cerquetti, Daniel ; Leiguarda, Ramón ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo |
 | 2021 | How to modulate the immunoinflammatory biological response in cancer, autoimmunity and viral infections by a psychoneuroimmune approach | Lissoni, Paolo ; Brivio, Fernando ; Fumagalli, Luca ; Rovelli, Franco ; Colciago, Massimo ; Messina, Giusy ; Monzon, Alejandra ; Pelizzoni, Francesco ; Lissoni, Arianna ; Porro, Giorgio ; Di Fede, Giuseppe ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2019 | Impact of daylight saving time on circadian timing system : an expert statement | Meira e Cruz, M. ; Miyazawa, M. ; Manfredini, R. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Madrid, J. A. ; Reiter, R. ; Araujo. J. F. ; Agostinho, R. ; Acuña Castroviejo, Darío |
 | 2017 | Inflammaging, metabolic syndrome and melatonin : a call for treatment studies | Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Hardeland, Rüdiger |
 | 2010 | Jet lag, circadian rhythm sleep disturbances and depression : the role of melatonin and its analogs | Srinivasan, Venkataramanujan ; Singh, Jarnail ; Pandi Perumal, Seithikurippu R. ; Spence, David Warren ; Brown, Gregory M. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2020 | Low melatonin as a contributor to SARS-CoV-2 disease | Pandi Perumal, Seithikurippu R. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Reiter, R. ; Brown, Gregory M. |
 | 2016 | Ma vie en noir. Fifty years with melatonin and the stone of madness | Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2010 | Malaria : therapeutic implications of melatonin | Srinivasan, Venkataramanujan ; Spence, David Warren ; Moscovitch, Adam ; Pandi Perumal, Seithikurippu R. ; Trakht, Ilya ; Brown, Gregory M. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2011 | Measurement of melatonin in body fluids : standards, protocols, and procedures | Alves de Almeida, Eduardo ; Di Mascio, Paolo ; Harumi, Tatsuo ; Moscovitch, Adam ; Hardeland, Rüdiger ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Brown, Gregory M. ; Pandi Perumal, Seithikurippu R. |
 | 2011 | Melatonin : a pleiotropic, orchestrating regulator molecule | Srinivasan, Venkataramanujan ; Pandi Perumal, Seithikurippu R. ; Brown, Gregory M. ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Spence, David Warren ; Hardeland, Rüdiger |
 | 2022 | Melatonin : a promising drug to ameliorate main human space exploration risks | Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Plano, Santiago Andrés ; Demaría Pesce, Víctor ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2019 | Melatonin : clinical perspectives in neurodegeneration | Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2022 | Melatonin : highlighting its use as a potential treatment for SARS‑CoV‑2 infection | Reiter, R. ; Sharma, Ramaswamy ; Simko, Fedor ; Domínguez Rodriguez, Alberto ; Tesarik, Jan ; Neel, Richard L. ; Slominski, Andrzej T. ; Kleszczynsk, Konrad ; Martin‑Gimenez, Verna M. ; Manucha, Walter ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro |
 | 2011 | Melatonin agonists for treatment of sleep and depressive disorders | Srinivasan, Venkataramanujan ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Pandi Perumal, Seithikurippu R. ; Brown, Gregory M. |
 | 2011 | Melatonin agonists in primary insomnia and depression-associated insomnia : are they superior to sedative-hypnotics? | Srinivasan, Venkataramanujan ; Brzezinski, Amnon ; Pandi Perumal, Seithikurippu R. ; Spence, David Warren ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Brown, Gregory M. |
 | 2019 | Melatonin and Benzodiazepine / Z Drug Abuse | Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo |