AO - 2020 vol. 18 : [14] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
antiguooriente18.pdf.jpg2020Antiguo Oriente : Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente Vol. 18, 2020 (número completo)
arabah-copper-polity.pdf.jpg2020The arabah copper polity and the rise of iron age Edom : a bias in biblical archaeology?Finkelstein, Israel 
and-yet-nomadic-error.pdf.jpg2020And yet, a nomadic error : a reply to Israel FinkelsteinBen-Yosef, Erez 
new-radiocarbon-dates.pdf.jpg2020New radiocarbon dates from the Edomite highlands and the hydraulic systems of southern JordanTebes, Juan Manuel 
hittite-rock-reliefs.pdf.jpg2020Hittite rock reliefs with more than one inscriptionArroyo, Ana 
some-thoughts-xerxes-daiva.pdf.jpg2020Some thoughts on Xerxes’s “Daiva” inscription and its interpretationHuayna Ávila, Claudio S. 
human-ritual-killing-domuztepe.pdf.jpg2020Human ritual killing at Domuztepe and Ur : a bataillan perspectiveKotzé, Zazharias 
scene-fighting-with-sperpents.pdf.jpg2020Scene of fighting with serpent(s) on the old Assyrian seal impression from KültepeNemirovsky, Alexandre ; Shelestin, Vladimir ; Iasenovskaia, Anastasia 
aspectos-tribalismo-politico-levante.pdf.jpg2020Aspectos del tribalismo político en el levante meridional durante la Edad del Bronce TardíoPfoh, Emanuel 
mumienportrats-und-verwandte.pdf.jpg2020Mumienporträts und verwandte Denkmäler : Klaus Parlasca y los textiles funerarios decorados del Egipto prerromanoOrtiz-García, Jónatan 
industrial-zone-elaborate-winepress.pdf.jpg2020An industrial zone and an elaborate winepress at Gan Ha-Darom, IsraelDayan, Ayelet ; Barkan, Diego ; Radashkovsky, Igal 
wengrow-origins-monsters.pdf.jpg2020David Wengrow, The Origins of Monsters: Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction. The Rostovtzeff Lectures. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2020. xviii + 162 pp. ISBN 9780691202396 (paperback). USD 35.00Maydana, Sebastián Francisco 
sagona-archaelogy-caucasus.pdf.jpg2020Antonio Sagona, The archaeology of the Caucasus : from earliest settlements to the Iron Age. Cambridge world archaeology. Cambridge, University of Cambridge. 2018, xx + 541 pp, ISBN 978-1-107-01659-0 (paperback). USD 113.83Jaruf, Pablo 
kalimi-writing-rewriting.pdf.jpg2020Isaac Kalimi, Writing and rewriting the story of Solomon in Ancient Israel. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018. 402 pp. ISBN-13: 978- 3447113632 (Hardback). USD 125.00Andiñach, Pablo R. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14