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Showing results 1 to 20 of 296  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
fabricacao-plebe-sob-seneca.pdf.jpg2005A fabricação da plebe sob a perspectiva de SênecaMunhoz de Omena, Luciane 
imagen-teodosio-historiae.pdf.jpg2005A imagem de Teodósio nas Historiae Adversus Paganos VII, 34-35 de Paulo OrósioFrighetto, Renan 
moeda-discurso-analise-representacoes.pdf.jpg2014A moeda como um discurso : uma análise das representações de Otávio, Cleópatra e Marco AntônioFerreira Paulino da Silva, Camilla 
neo-sumerian-clay-nail.pdf.jpg2016A neo-sumerian clay nail of Gudea in the collection of the Department of Ancient Studies of Stellenbosch UniversityVan Dijk-Coombes, Renate Marian 
preliminary-bibliography-antique.pdf.jpg2023A preliminary bibliography on late antique pilgrimage in the Near EastVaiou, Maria 
antiguo_oriente04.pdf.jpg.jpg2006A problem of Pedubasts?Kahn, Dan'El 
thumbnail.jpeg.jpg2008A reevaluation of the use of zbn and yhb in ElephantineBotta, Alejandro F. 
cover.jpg.jpg2019A serial verb construction with the verb alāku “go” in canaano-akkadianAndrason, Alexander 
thumbnail.jpeg.jpg2008Una actualización de la cronología baja : arqueología, historia y BibliaFinkelstein, Israel 
adbiilu-arab-babylon.pdf.jpg2009Adbi'ilu: an arab at Babylon (BM 78912)Nielsen, John P. 
agustinus-gianto-peter-dubosvsky.pdf.jpg2019Agustinus Gianto y Peter Dubovský (eds.), Changing Faces of Kingship in Syria-Palestine 1500–500 BCE. Alter Orient und Altes Testament 459. Münster, Ugarit-Verlag, 2018. 206 pp. Hardback. ISBN 978-3-86835-283-2Pfoh, Emanuel 
poder-politico-antiguidade-classica-tardia.pdf.jpg2004Algumas considerações sobre o poder político na antigüidade clássica e na antigüidade tardiaFrighetto, Renan 
alteridaa-lienidad-durante-siglo-iv.pdf.jpg2013Alteridad y alienidad durante el siglo IV: los obispos cristianos ante las connotaciones inclusivas o excluyentesGómez Aso, Graciela 
thumbnail.jpeg.jpg2008Amanda–Alice Maravelia, Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Égypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques. BAR International Series 1527. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, pp. xiv + 638; 72 figures and tables. Indices, including Egyptian terms. In French, with summaries in English, Greek and German. ISBN 1841719641. £70.00.Musacchio, Tracy 
tracing-earliest-recorded-concepts.pdf.jpg2013AMNON ALTMAN, Tracing the Earliest Recorded Concepts of International Law: The Ancient Near East (2500–330 BCE). Legal History Library, vol. 8 / Studies in the History of International Law, vol. 4. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2012. xxvi + 254 pp. ISBN 978–90–04–22252–6. € 54,50.Pfoh, Emanuel 
amor-oro-discurso-inter.jpg2016Amor y oro: discurso intercultural e identidades de una diosa itinerante en las Cartas de El AmarnaGestoso Singer, Graciela 
ancient-core-periphery.pdf.jpg2008Ancient core-periphery interactions: lower nubia during middle Kingdom Egypt (ca. 2050-1640 b.c.)Flammini, Roxana 
cover.jpg.jpg2019Ancient medicine and world construction among the literati of late Persian period/early Hellenistic JudahZvi, Ehud Ben 
ancient-rome-rise-fall.pdf.jpg2015Ancient Rome: the rise and fall of an Empire. Un comentario historiográfico del Imperio Romano a través de los medios audiovisualesGil González, Fernando 
stylos4.jpg.jpg1995Angelo Paredi, S. Ambrogio e la sua età. Milano, Vlrico Hoepli, 1994, 565 pp.Hubeñak, Florencio