AO - 2017 vol. 15

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ianir-milevsky-thomas-levy.pdf.jpg2017Ianir Milevski & Thomas E. Levy (eds.), Framing Archaeology in the Near East: The Application of Social Theory to Fieldwork. Series: New Directions in Anthropological Archaeology. Sheffield, Bristol, Equinox Publishing, 2016. X+146. ISBN 978–1–78179–247–6. Hardback: £80.00 / $100.00; Paperback: £30.00/$45.00Pavel, Catalin 
antiguo-oriente15.pdf.jpg2017Antiguo Oriente: Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente Vol. 15, 2017 (número completo)
brian-schmidt-materiality-power.pdf.jpg2017Brian B. Schmidt, The Materiality of Power: Explorations in the Social History of Early Israelite Magic. Forschungen zum Alten Tstament 105. Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2016. XV + 258. ISBN 978–3–16–153302–0. €99Tebes, Juan Manuel 
antonio-morales-transmission-pyramid.pdf.jpg2017Antonio J. Morales, The Transmission of the Pyramid Texts of Nut: Analysis of their Distribution and Role in the Old and Middle Kingdoms. Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur Beihefte 19. Hamburg, Helmut Buske, 2017. xxv + 263. ISBN 978–3–87548–819–7. € 148García Zamacona, Carlos 
rocio-da-riva-arqueologos.pdf.jpg2017Rocío Da Riva, Arqueólogos, etnólogos y espías. La misión de Leo Frobenius en Arabia y Eritrea (1914–1915). Barcelona, Bellaterra Arqueología, 2017. CLXXXIV + 184. ISBN 978– 84–7.290–830–7. €17.10Fernández Martínez, Víctor M. 
hornos-domesticos-industriales-tell.pdf.jpg2017Hornos domésticos e industriales en Tell el- Ghaba, norte de Sinaí, EgiptoCrivelli Montero, Eduardo ; Lupo, Silvia ; Kohen, Claudia 
proyectiles-honda-tensiones-conflictos.pdf.jpg2017Proyectiles de honda : ¿tensiones y conflictos en la protohistoria del Próximo Oriente?Espejel Arroyo, Fernando 
royal-justice-realpolitik-diviner.pdf.jpg2017Royal justice or realpolitik? : the diviner Zū- Ba'la and the Hittites once againCéntola, Francisco 
tres-puertos-egipcios-mar-rojo.pdf.jpg2017Tres puertos egipcios en el Mar Rojo durante el período faraónico : una reevaluación de la evidenciaTallet, Pierre 
the-levantine-war-records.pdf.jpg2017The levantine war-records of Ramesses III : changing attitudes, past, present and futureJames, Peter 
les-neiges-d-antan-early.pdf.jpg2017Les neiges d’antan : “Early rulers” and the vanity theme in Mesopotamian wisdom literature and beyondCohen, Yoram 
mudayna-sites-arnon-tributaires.pdf.jpg2017The Mudayna sites of the Arnon tributaries : “Midian alongside Moab”?Ben David, Chaim 
towards-long-term-place.pdf.jpg2017Towards a long-term place biography of Nahr el- Kalb (Lebanon)Da Riva, Rocío 
in-memoriam-rodolfo-fattovich.pdf.jpg2017In memoriam Rodolfo Fattovich (1945-2018)
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14