DAM 2022

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 5 de 5
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damqatum-18.jpg.jpg2022Damqatum : the CEHAO newsletter, 2022, nº 18
damqatum-18.jpg.jpg2022Shishak/Shoshenq's travels, again!Clancy, Frank 
damqatum-18.jpg.jpg2022Marc van de Mieroop, Historia del Próximo Oriente antiguo (ca. 3000-323 a.n.e.). Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2020Pacheco Izurieta y Sea, Consuelo 
damqatum-18.jpg.jpg2022Did the ptolemaic imperial politics influence the language of the septuagint?Gienini, Olga A. 
damqatum-18.jpg.jpg2022The assyrian king list: chronology and the dark ages in the ancient near eastWeggelaar, Nel ; Kort, Jan 
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