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Título: Body image during quarantine; generational effects of social media pressure on body appearance perception
Autor: Abrevaya, Sofia 
Speranza, Trinidad 
Pérez Cano, María de Guadalupe 
Ramenzoni, Verónica Claudia 
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Editorial: Cognitive Science Society
Cita: Anrevaya, S. et al. Body image during quarantine; generational effects of social media pressure on body appearance perception [en línea]. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2021, 43 Disponible en:
Resumen: Abstract: One of the consequences of the pandemic is that throughout 2020 virtual interactions largely replaced face-to-face interactions. Though there are few studies of how social media impacts body image perception across genders, research suggests that socializing through a virtual self-body image might have distinct implications for men and women. On an online study, we examined whether type of social pressure and body-ideal exert distinct pressures on members of the X, Y, and Z generations. Results showed media pressure affected body image satisfaction significantly more than other kinds of social pressure across genders and generations, with young males reporting a higher impact compared to older males. Males experienced more pressure to be muscular and women to be thin, especially for the younger generation. Future research should focus on social media as a potential intervention tool for the detection and prevention of body image disorders in both young female and male adults.
ISSN: 1069-7977
Disciplina: PSICOLOGIA
Derechos: Acceso abierto
Fuente: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 2021, 43
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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