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Título: Modelo de gobierno de las tecnologías de la información para la administración pública ecuatoriana
Autor: Espinoza Mina, Marcos Antonio 
Director de Tesis: De Simoni, Maria Eugenia
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Cita: Espinoza Mina, M.A. Modelo de gobierno de las tecnologías de la información para la administración pública ecuatoriana [en línea]. Tesis doctoral. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2022 Disponible en: https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar/handle/123456789/14579
Resumen: Abstract: In recent decades around the world, Information Technologies (IT) have burst significantly in all environments of society; as a particular case, public administration is forced to design or develop proposals for organisational structures that align or ensure that the organisation's IT sustains and extends the objectives and strategies of the organisation, for the generation of social value and to provide higher quality public services. Under this scenario, this research for Ecuador proposes the development of a theoretical model of IT governance, aimed at public administration, for a potential transformation of organisational culture, alignment of IT with organisational objectives, and disruptive innovation. The methodology used for the development of the model had a qualitative and quantitative orientation, complemented with various methods, in order to achieve the construction of a theoretical model that responds to the needs of the Ecuadorian public administration. The development is based on a series of stages that include the identification and analysis of IT governance models, the diagnosis of processes, the establishment of model components, model design and validation. The main results include the theoretical foundations of corporate governance, IT governance, IT governance frameworks and Ecuadorian public administration, which have evolved over time in accordance with contemporary demands. The proposed theoretical model of IT governance is proposed as a potential administrative tool that allows the alignment of IT to the strategic objectives of the institution. Finally, this work concludes with the validation and favourable acceptance of the proposed theoretical model, recommending its application to generate value for the citizen.
URI: https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar/handle/123456789/14579
Derechos: Acceso abierto. 12 meses de embargo
Fuente: Tesis doctoral. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, 2022
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis de Doctorado en Administración de Empresas

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