Nombre preferido de cita
Mitchell, Ann
Nombre completo
Mitchell, Ann Elizabeth
Mitchell, Ann (dir.)
Mitchell, Ann E.
Mitchell, Ann E.
Categoría del investigador
Investigador UCA (categoría C)
Docente UCA
Docente UCA
Afiliación principal
Sitio web
Scopus ID

Ann Mitchell is Director of the Department of Research, Director of the Centre of Sustainable Human Development and Full Professor of Social Development in the Department of Economics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has a PhD in Economics from the University of Maryland, USA, and her research focusses on the analysis of diverse social topics, including human development, multidimensional poverty, impact evaluation of social programs and civil society.. In recent years she has directed research projects on urban inequality and youth well-being in informal settlements, civil society organizations in the informal settlements of the City of Buenos Aires, an impact evaluation of TECHO-Argentina's emergency housing program and an evaluation of the Hogar de Cristo network of neighbourhood addiction treatment centres. She has published books, book chapters, and articles in journals such as the Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, Oxford Development Studies, and the European Journal of Development Research. Ann has also worked as a consultant for international organizations such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank and the International Organization for Migration. She has worked with the Fundación Banco de Alimentos de Buenos Aires since its creation in 2001 and was a member of the Board of Directors between 2008-2013 and served as vice president between 2014-2017. She currently serves as Treasurer of the Human Development and Capability Association.
Palabras Clave del perfil
Evaluación de impacto
Marginalidad urbana
Sociedad civil
Impact evaluation
Urban marginality
Civil society
Evaluación de impacto
Marginalidad urbana
Sociedad civil
Impact evaluation
Urban marginality
Civil society