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Título : Modeling complex tran disciplinary social systems : an essay of science on art & humanity
Autor : Persico, Nicolás 
Fecha de publicación : 2014
Cita : Persico, N. (2014, febrero). Modeling complex tran disciplinary social systems : an essay of science on art & humanity [en línea] Documento inédito. Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Católica Argentina. Disponible en: https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar/handle/123456789/2713
Resumen : Introduction: Tran disciplinary degree and social systems challenges. Trans disciplinary is the caveat of modern science. It encourage scientists, philosophers, artists, politicians and business entrepreneurs to seek for a freshly new knowledge acquisition & innovation process paradigm serving itself as vehicle for upgrading collective intelligence solutions. Far away from neglecting traditional on-field principles and methodology, it works pretty much as Einstein relativity theory by recognizing partial and limited truths on the same phenomenon, while simultaneously encouraging a constant review of ‘the big picture’ for which inter disciplinary work teams usually focus on the ‘system function’. A history on Complex Systems Centers development shows there`s currently an academic gap in terms of rigorous methodology between natural and abstract science on the one hand, and social science on the other one, namely, objectively quantifying and measuring those variables that allows for prediction. This work simply intends to somehow contribute to the task of shortening this gap
URI : https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar/handle/123456789/2713
Disciplina: DERECHO
Derechos: Acceso Abierto
Aparece en las colecciones: Documentos de Trabajo

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