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Título: Rehabilitation and return-to-sport after anterior cruciate ligament injury and reconstruction: Exploring physical therapists’ approaches in Argentina
Autor: Tondelli, Eduardo 
Feroldi, Alejo 
García, Felipe 
Meza, Franco 
Dingenen, Bart 
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editorial: else
Resumen: Objectives: To investigate the current clinical practice regarding pre- and post-surgical rehabilitation and return to sport (RTS) criteria following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Design: Cross-sectional design. Online survey. Setting: Survey platform. Participants: Argentinian physical therapists (PTs). Outcome measures: The survey consisted of a combination of 39 open- and closed-ended questions, divided across 3 sections: (1) demographic and professional information, (2) clinical practice and rehabilitation strategies, and (3) return-to-running (RTR) and RTS. Results: A total of 619 PTs completed the survey. Considerable variability was observed in preoperative reha bilitation, criteria used for rehabilitation progression and RTS decision-making criteria used by PTs. From the total surveyed, 336 (54.3%) carried out RTS assessment in their clinical practice. Most of PTs (53.3%) use visual estimation to assess knee range of motion. Only 20% of the PTs reported incorporating patient-reported outcome measures in their decision-making. From PTs who use strength assessment as a criterion of RTS (68.8%), 16.6% extrapolate this from jump tests and 15.3% use manual muscle testing. Less than the 50% of the PTs recom mended nine months or more to allow patients to RTS. Conclusions: Current rehabilitation practices of Argentinian PTs following ACLR are largely variable and not aligned with current evidence and scientific guidelines. To achieve better rehabilitation and RTS practices better knowledge dissemination and implementation are required.
Cobertura Espacial: Argentina
ISSN: 1466-853X (impreso)
1873-1600 (online)
DOI: 10.1016/j.ptsp.2024.04.007
Derechos: Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional
Fuente: Physical Therapy in Sport. 2024 (67)
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