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Título: Association between functional movement screening scores and non-contact injuries in amateur rugby players
Autor: Tondelli, Eduardo 
Bittencourt, Natalia 
Villalba, Federico 
Zabaloy, Santiago 
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Editorial: Association des chercheurs en activités physiques et sportives
Cita: Tondelli, E., et al. Association between functional movement screening scores and non-contact injuries in amateur rugby players [en línea]. Movement & Sport Sciences Science & Motricité. 2024, 123. doi: 10.1051/sm/2023022. Disponible en:
Resumen: Abstract: Abstract - Objective: To examine the associations between the Functional Movement Screening (FMSTM) scores and asymmetries between limbs in the different tasks with non-contact injuries in senior amateur rugby union players. Method The design was a prospective cohort study. Sixty-eight (n=68) male senior amateur rugby players completed the FMSTM, which assesses seven functional movements on a scale of 0 to 3 and provides a total score of up to 21. Players were subsequently monitored for injuries during one competitive season. Likewise, match and training non-contact injuries with the associated variables were collected. Results: Twenty-two (32.3%) players sustained one non-contact injury during the season. The median time lost was 24.5 days (IQR [15; 383]). Injured players showed a meanFMSTM composite of 14.50(SD 1.74), and noninjured showed a mean FMSTM composite of 14.57(SD 2.25). No statistically significant association was found between the presence of non-contact injuries and FMSTM composite score (OR = 0.98 [0.77; 1.27]) or FMSTM categorical score ( 14) (OR = 0.64 [0.23; 1.78]). The presence of an asymmetry between limbs in the active straight leg raise was associated with non-contact injuries (OR: 4.69 [1.35 - 17.9]) (p = 0.02). Conclusion: FMSTM composite did not show differences between injured and non-injured players. Asymmetry in the active straight leg raise was strongly associated with non-contact injury occurrence.
ISSN: 2118-5735 (impreso)
2118-5743 (online)
Disciplina: MEDICINA
DOI: 10.1051/sm/2023022
Derechos: Acceso abierto
Fuente: Movement & Sport Sciences Science & Motricité. 2024, 123
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