DAM 2021

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 4 de 4
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
damqatum-17.jpg.jpg2021Damqatum : the CEHAO newsletter, 2021, nº 17
damqatum-17.jpg.jpg2021Tacitus, the reign of Tiberius and the Parthian EmpireGraham, Daryn 
damqatum-17.jpg.jpg2021Byzantium and the pre-islamic arabs : a selection of secondary sources on their religious, monastic and ecclesiastical interaction (Part II, N-Z)Vaiou, Maria 
damqatum-17.jpg.jpg2021Israel vs. Judah, 2022 : the socio-political aspects of biblical archaeology in contemporary IsraelAmit, Shimon 
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