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Título: Role of thyroid hormones-induced oxidative stress on cardiovascular physiology
Autor: Barreiro Arcos, María Laura 
Fecha de publicación: 2022
Editorial: Elsevier
Cita: Barreiro Arcos, M. L. Role of thyroid hormones-induced oxidative stress on cardiovascular physiology [en línea]. Biochimica et biophysica Acta. Temas generales. 2022, 1866 (12). doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2022.130239. Disponible en:
Resumen: Abstract: Thyroid hormones (THs) play an essential role in the maintenance of cardiovascular homeostasis and are involved in the modulation of cardiac contractility, heart rate, diastolic function, systemic vascular resistance, and vasodilation. THs have actions on cardiovascular physiology through the activation or repression of target genes or the activation of intracellular signals through non-genomic mechanisms. Hyperthyroidism alters certain intracellular pathways involved in the preservation of the structure and functionality of the heart, causing relevant cardiovascular disorders. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play an important role in the cardiovascular system, but the exacerbated increase in ROS caused by chronic hyperthyroidism together with regulation on the antioxidant system have been associated with the development of cardiovascular dysfunction. In this review, we analyze the role of THs-induced oxidative stress in the cellular and molecular changes that lead to cardiac dysfunction, as well as the effectiveness of antioxidant treatments in attenuating cardiac abnormalities developed during hyperthyroidism.
ISSN: 0304-4165 (impreso)
1872-8006 (online)
Disciplina: MEDICINA
DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2022.130239
Derechos: Acceso abierto
Fuente: Biochimica et biophysica Acta. Temas generales Vol.1866, No.12, 2022
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