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Título : Argentina facing the Covid-19 crisis: between political dialogue and polarization
Autor : Resico, Marcelo Fernando 
Fecha de publicación : 2020
Editorial : Fundación Hans Seidl
Cita : Resico, M.F. Argentina facing the Covid-19 crisis: between political dialogue and polarization [en línea]. En: Esther J.S. (ed.). ¿Quo Vadis América Latina? Pronósticos políticos y socio-económicos en tiempos de Covid-19. Bogotá: Fundación Hans Seidl, 2020 Disponible en:
Publicación Relacionada: Argentina frente a la crisis Covid-19: entre el diálogo político y la polarización
Resumen : Abstract: In this publication, we seek to examine those countries where the HSF is active in the region and answer the following questions in more depth: What starting situation did the Covid-19 pandemic encounter in Latin America? What interactions with existing problems and what new challenges are to be expected? How can this be countered at the level of economic and social policy taking account of the blatant social inequality in the region? On the following pages, leading Latin American political and economic scientists and experts analyse the starting situation, course of the pandemic and its effects on ten selected countries in the region to date, and, then, venture initial forecasts on future political, economic and social developments. In a final section, development economist Prof. (em.) Dr. Hartmut Sangmeister examines the entire region at the macro level and develops options for action, both for the Latin American countries, as well as for their political and economic partners. With this publication, the Hanns Seidel Foundation intends to help draw attention to current developments and the probable consequences of the coronavirus crisis on a region whose potential and value in a changing world order cannot be underestimated, especially from a European and German point of view. In times of crisis in particular, partnerships must be strengthened, and possible solutions must be sought together. This is because in a globalised world, cross-border phenomena cannot be solved alone. Much rather, joint action based on shared values and objectives is needed.
ISBN : 978-958-58774-7-4
Derechos: Acceso abierto
Appears in Collections:Libros/partes de libro

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