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Título: Aportes para una ontología trinitaria de la intersubjetividad : la síntesis de E. Stein
Autor: Bertolini, Alejandro 
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Editorial: Pontificia Università Lateranense. Facoltà di Teologia
Cita: Bertolini, A. Aportes para una ontología trinitaria de la intersubjetividad: La síntesis de E. Stein [en línea]. Lateranum. 2012, 78 (2). Disponible en: https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar/handle/123456789/12258
Resumen: Abstract: After the trinitarian studies return from exile to the core of theological life, of their subsequent creative insights regarding the Paschal Mistery, History and the Holy Spirit, and their consolidation and expansion in the body of dogmatic doctrine, we witness a new stage with different issues rising. Among them is Trinitarian Ontology, which strives to elaborate on the christian novum's impact on the question of being in a dialogue with philosophy. This article attempts to show Edith Stein's contribution to this field of study, particularly in regards to the trinitarian source of individuation and intersubjectivity on an existencial, philosophical and theological perspective. Her shift from Tomist Metaphysics to a science of the person opens way to a relational substance, breaking ground for unsuspected possibilities.
URI: https://repositorio.uca.edu.ar/handle/123456789/12258
ISBN: 978-88-465-0836-2
ISSN: 1010-7215
Disciplina: TEOLOGIA
Derechos: Acceso abierto
Fuente: Lateranum. 2012, 78 (2)
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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