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Título: Hermeneutic and pedagogical perspectives of the relationships between science and religion
Autor: Florio, Lucio 
Oviedo, Lorena 
Fecha de publicación: 2020
Editorial: Universidad Técnica de Gheorghe Asachi
Cita: Florio, L., Oviedo, L. Hermeneutic and pedagogical perspectives of the relationships between science and religion [en línea]. European Journal of Science and Theology. 2020, 16 (5). Disponible en:
Resumen: Abstract: In recent decades, a change occurred in the rigid ways in which the subject „Science and Religion‟ had been approached in previous centuries. This has made it possible to test various ways of understanding the interaction. In this article a typology is proposed that compliments the already classic ones in the classification of the links between science and religion. It is a typology that does not intend to replace the previous ones, but rather to account for the dynamics of the process and, in particular, for its novelties. In this way, more multidimensional approaches to the phenomenon can be tested, such as the aesthetic and hermeneutical approach. To illustrate this, the example of the hermeneutical reading of the phylogenetic tree is used. Finally, its value for Pedagogy is shown synthetically, taking into account precisely the new way of understanding of recent generations, less articulated by the paradigms of conflict. The proposal is formulated in an academic but also pedagogical framework, since the importance of the Science and Religion interface for education is presupposed, in order to energize complex thinking in a plural and mobile culture.
ISSN: 1841-0464 (impreso)
1842-8517 (on line)
Disciplina: FILOSOFIA
Derechos: Acceso abierto
Fuente: European Journal of Science and Theology. 2020, 16(5)
Appears in Collections:Artículos

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