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new-radiocarbon-dates.pdf.jpg2020New radiocarbon dates from the Edomite highlands and the hydraulic systems of southern JordanTebes, Juan Manuel 
nomadas-encrucijada-sociedad.pdf.jpg2013Nómadas en la encrucijada: sociedad, ideología y poder en los márgenes áridos del Levante meridional durante el primer milenio a.C.Tebes, Juan Manuel 
james-der-veen-solomon-shishak.pdf.jpg2015PETER JAMES & PETER G. VAN DER VEEN (eds.), Solomon and Shishak. Current Perspectives from Archaeology, Epigraphy, History and Chronology. Proceedings of the Third BICANE Colloquium held at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge 26–27 March, 2011. BAR International Series 2732. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2015. xii + 281. ISBN 978–1–4073–1389–4. £47.00Tebes, Juan Manuel 
pots-juan-manuel-tebes.pdf.jpg2018PotsTebes, Juan Manuel 
religion-northern-hejaz.pdf.jpg2021Religion in Northern HejazTebes, Juan Manuel 
revolution-desert-reassessment.pdf.jpg2020Revolution in the desert : a reassessment of the late bronze/early iron ages in northwestern Arabia and the southern levantTebes, Juan Manuel 
sacred-travels-arid-southern-levant.png.jpg2023Sacred travels in the arid southern Levant and northern Arabia and the desert sojourn traditionsTebes, Juan Manuel 
antiguo-oriente-vol. 1.jpg.jpg2003Sustrato y continuidad cultural en la edad del hierro : el caso del Negev y el sur de JordaniaTebes, Juan Manuel 
archaeology-cult-ancient-israel.pdf.jpg2021The archaeology of cult of ancient Israel’s southern neighbors and the midianite-kenite hypothesisTebes, Juan Manuel 
mesha-inscription-relations-moab.jpg.jpg2018The Mesha inscription and relations with Moab and EdomTebes, Juan Manuel 
pottery-assemblage-jerusalem-neo-babylonian.pdf.jpg2011The pottery assemblage of Jerusalem's neobabylonian destruction level : a review and discussionTebes, Juan Manuel 
southern-home-yhwh pre-priestly.pdf.jpg2018The southern home of yhwh and pre-priestly patriarchal/exodus traditions from a southern perspectiveTebes, Juan Manuel 
timna-revisited-egyptian-chronology.pdf.jpg2009Timna revisited: egyptian chronology and the copper mines of the southern ArabahBimson, John J. ; Tebes, Juan Manuel 
tres-estudios-comercio-desarrollo.pdf.jpg2013¿Todo tiempo pasado fue mejor? : tres estudios sobre comercio y desarrollo y su impacto en la historia económica de la AntigüedadTebes, Juan Manuel 
todos-reyes-arabia-emergencia-portada.jpg.jpg2023“Todos los reyes de la Arabia” : la emergencia de sociedades complejas en el norte de Arabia y el Levante árido en el primer milenio a.C.Tebes, Juan Manuel 
yahwehs-desert-origins.pdf.jpg2022Yahweh's Desert OriginsTebes, Juan Manuel