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Diez, Joaquín J.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 2014 | Effects of different “relaxing” music styles on the autonomic nervous system | Pérez Lloret, Santiago ; Diez, Joaquín J. ; Domé, María Natalia ; Alvarez Delvenne, Andrea ; Braidot, Néstor ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo |
 | 2011 | Sleep habits, alertness, cortisol levels and cardiac autonomic activity in short distance bus drivers : differences between morning and afternoon shifts | Diez, Joaquín J. ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo ; Pérez Lloret, Santiago ; Rigters, Stephanie ; Role, Noelia ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Pérez Chada, Daniel |
 | 2019 | Sleep misalignment and circadian rhythm impairment in long-haul bus drivers under a two-up operations system | Diez, Joaquín J. ; Plano, Santiago Andrés ; Caldar, Carlos ; Bellone, Giannina J. ; Simonelli, Guido ; Brangold, Mauro ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Golombek, Diego A. ; Pérez Chada, Daniel ; Vigo, Daniel Eduardo |
 | 2022 | Tratamiento con melatonina pre-pandemia por trastornos del sueño e infección por COVID-19: estudio de corte transversal, retrospectivo | Valiensi, Stella Maris ; Folgueira, Agustín ; Vera, Vanesa Antonella ; González Cardozo, Agustín ; Cardinali, Daniel Pedro ; Rugiero, Marcelo |