Improving mitochondrial function in vitrified equine oocytes: application of the domestic horse model in biodiversity preservation of wild equids

Título del Proyecto
Improving mitochondrial function in vitrified equine oocytes: application of the domestic horse model in biodiversity preservation of wild equids
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Estados Unidos
$ 50.000.-
9 meses
The reproductive similarities found across members of the Equus genus, combined with their ability to interbreed and carry xenogenetic pregnancies to term indicates the domestic horse (Equus caballus) is an excellent model for the development of assisted reproductive technologies in wild equids. Among these technologies, the systematic cryoconservation of the mare oocyte is a key component of genomic resource banking. The oocyte is the hardest cell to cryopreserve, either by equilibrium freezing or vitrification, due to is large volume. Current scientific evidence indicates cytoskeletal damages and reactiveoxygen species induced by the vitrification process may compromise mitochondrial function and homeostasis. The oocyte requires a considerable stock of functional mitochondria for proper support of early embryonic division. Therefore, in this project we propose to improve mitochondrial functionality and maximize embryo development from vitrified equine oocytesby including reactive oxygen species scavengers and cytoskeletal stabilizers to maturation, vitrification/warming and micromanipulation media
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