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- Laferrière, Jorge Nicolás 2
- Lafferriere, Francisco 1
- Lafferriere, Nicolás 1
- Lafferrière, Jorge Nicolás 4
- Lafferrière, Nicolás 1
- Lamas, María Cristina 8
- Lambert, Graciela 2
- Landro, Alberto 1
- Larre, Olga L. 1
- Larre, Olga Lucía 1
- Lastra Paz, Silvia 1
- Lastra Paz, Silvia Cristina 2
- Latour, Ricardo 14
- Lazcano Colodrero, Diego Alejandro 1
- Lbourdette, Sergio D. 1
- Legarre, Santiago 1
- Leiva, Alberto David 1
- Lemes, Miriam Paola 1
- Lemos, Viviana 1
- Leocata, Francisco 1