Browsing by Author Barreiro Arcos, María Laura

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Showing results 5 to 18 of 18 < previous 
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
hypothyroidism-related-zinc.pdf.jpg2019Hypothyroidism-related zinc deficiency leads to suppression of T lymphocyte activityPaulazo, Maria Alejandra ; Klecha, Alicia Juana ; Sterle, Helena Andrea ; Valli, Eduardo ; Torti, Horacio ; Cayrol, María Florencia ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. 
Induction-apoptosis-T-lymphoma.pdf.jpg2013Induction of apoptosis in T lymphoma cells by long-term treatment with thyroxine involves PKCf nitration by nitric oxide synthaseBarreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Sterle, Helena Andrea ; Vercelli, C. ; Valli, Eduardo ; Cayrol, María Florencia ; Klecha, Alicia Juana ; Paulazo, Maria Alejandra ; Díaz Flaqué, María Celeste ; Franchi, A. M. ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. 
larrea-divaricata-cav-aqueous-extract.pdf.jpg2019Larrea divaricata Cav. aqueous extract and nordihydroguariaretic acid modulate oxidative stress in submandibular glands of diabetic rats : a buccal protective in diabetesPeralta, Ignacio ; Marrassini, Carla ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. ; Anesini, Claudia 
non-genomic-actions-thyroid.pdf.jpg2019Non-genomic actions of thyroid hormones regulate the growth and angiogenesis of T cell lymphomasCayrol, María Florencia ; Sterle, Helena Andrea ; Díaz Flaqué, María Celeste ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. 
novel-o-naphthoquinones-induce-apoptosis.pdf.jpg2013Novel o-naphthoquinones induce apoptosis of EL-4 T lymphoma cells through the increase of reactive oxygen speciesDi Rosso, María Emilia ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Elingold, Igal ; Sterle, Helena Andrea ; Baptista Ferreira, Sabrina ; Ferreira, Vitor Francisco ; Galleano, Mónica ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. ; Dubin, Marta 
oxidative-stress-produced-hyperthyroidism.pdf.jpg2019Oxidative stress produced by hyperthyroidism status induces the antioxidant enzyme transcription through the activation of the nrf-2 factor in lymphoid tissues of balb/c miceCostilla, Melisa ; Macri Delbono, Rodrigo ; Klecha, Alicia Juana ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura 
thumb.pdf.jpg2016Polyphenol-rich fraction from Larrea divaricata and its main flavonoid Quercetin-3-Methyl Ether induce apoptosis in lymphoma cells through nitrosative stressMartino, Renzo ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Alonso, Rosario ; Sülsen, Valeria ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. ; Anesini, Claudia 
regulation-cellular-redox.pdf.jpg2021Regulation of the cellular redox state and the expression of DNA methyltransferase-1 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with Graves’ diseaseSaban, Melina ; Costilla, Melisa ; Klecha, Alicia Juana ; Di Cugno, Mariana ; Curriá, Marina Inés ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura 
role-thyroid-hormones-induced.pdf.jpg2022Role of thyroid hormones-induced oxidative stress on cardiovascular physiologyBarreiro Arcos, María Laura 
epidemiology-etiopathogenesis-graves-portada.jpg.jpg2023The epidemiology and etiopathogenesis of graves’ diseaseSaban, Melina ; Curriá, Marina Inés ; Romeo, Horacio ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura 
thyroid-status-reprograms-cell.pdf.jpg2016The thyroid status reprograms T cell lymphoma growth and modulates immune cell frequenciesSterle, Helena Andrea ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Valli, Eduardo ; Paulazo, Maria Alejandra ; Méndez Huergo, Santiago Patricio ; Blidner, Ada Gabriela ; Cayrol, María Florencia ; Díaz Flaqué, María Celeste ; Klecha, Alicia Juana ; Medina, Vanina Araceli ; Colombo, Lucas Luis ; Rabinovich, Gabriel Adrián ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. 
thyroid-hormones-membrane-receptors.pdf.jpg2016Thyroid hormones and their membrane receptors as therapeutic targets for T cell lymphomasCremaschi, Graciela A. ; Cayrol, María Florencia ; Sterle, Helena Andrea ; Díaz Flaqué, María Celeste ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura 
thyroid-status-modulates.pdf.jpg2014Thyroid status modulates T lymphoma growth via cell cycle regulatory proteins and angiogenesisSterle, Helena Andrea ; Valli, Eduardo ; Cayrol, María Florencia ; Paulazo, Maria Alejandra ; Martinel Lamas, Diego J. ; Díaz Flaqué, María Celeste ; Klecha, Alicia Juana ; Colombo, Lucas Luis ; Medina, Vanina Araceli ; Cremaschi, Graciela A. ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura 
thyroid-status-regulates-tumor.pdf.jpg2021Thyroid status regulates the tumor microenvironment delineating breast cancer fateSterle, Helena Andrea ; Hildebrandt, Ximena ; Valenzuela Álvarez, Matías ; Paulazo, Maria Alejandra ; Gutierrez, Luciana Mariel ; Klecha, Alicia Juana ; Cayrol, María Florencia ; Díaz Flaqué, María Celeste ; Rosemblit, Cinthia ; Barreiro Arcos, María Laura ; Colombo, Lucas Luis ; Bolontrade, Marcela Fabiana ; Medina, Vanina Araceli ; Cremaschi, Graciela A.